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Medical Billing: CPB Preparation Self-Paced

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Medical Billing: CPB Preparation Self-Paced


Course Overview

The Certified Professional Biller (CPB™) credential prepares medical billers with skills to maintain all aspects of the revenue cycle. Without expertise in medical billing and the nuances of payer requirements, healthcare provider reimbursement may be compromised.

CPBs have demonstrated:

  • An understanding of various types of insurance plans
  • Expertise in applying payer policy, Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs), and National Coverage Determinations (NCDs) for successful claim submissions
  • Knowledge of CPT®, ICD-10-CM, and HCPCS Level II coding guidelines
  • Successful navigation of healthcare industry rules and regulations, including HIPAA, False Claims Act, Fair Debt Collections Act, and Stark Law.
  • An understanding of the life cycle of a medical billing claim and how to improve the revenue cycle
  • Expertise in effective claim follow-up, patient follow-up, and denial resolution

This course includes: 

  • Online Medical Coding Class via AAPC Blackboard Learning Modules
  • Workbook & Textbook
  • 1:1 time with a coach as needed
  • Resume services with Sarah Ragan of Caffeinated Career Creations, LLC 

View the Syllabus

Upon purchase you will receive an email from your Legacy Coding Coach within 24 business hours confirming your order.

If you purchase an eBook – a code will be generated within 48 business hours and emailed to you.  The email will come directly from the AAPC and will detail how to download your eBook.

The workbook is shipped directly from the AAPC.  Legacy will provide you with a tracking number within 48 business hours.

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