Are you really ready? Don’t overestimate, or worse, underestimate the difficulty of your exam. Get familiar with the format, questions, and time constraints before your exam and improve your chances of passing on your first try.
Each practice exam offers:
- Immediate Feedback – incorrect answers are displayed with rationales for all questions
- Unlimited Retakes – take the exam as many times as you like
- Realistic Exam Content – emulates content and difficulty level of the actual exams
- Readiness Gauge – an indication of your readiness for the real exam
These practice exams are taken online and offer the BEST means to gauge your readiness for the actual CPC® exam. The online practice exam is created by the same experts who write the real exam. Each of the practice exams, A, B, C, D, E, F, 1, 2, and 3 have 50 questions and each exam’s questions are unique to that practice exam. Buy them individually, or in a bundle to save. (You WON’T find practice exams 1-3 widely available!)
Upon purchase you will have access to the Practice Exams on the AAPC website under “My AAPC” and “Purchased items” within the 48 business hours. If you do not have an AAPC login, we will create one for you.